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afeff turns 2

happy birthday afeff aiman.... you turn 2.... yeay! a little celebration for my little angel..afeff aiman...which was celebrated on 3/4/2011(sunday). not a very big celebration, but i managed to cook ameer favourite dish- spagetti and buy all time favourite fast food PIZZA HUT and a birthday cake. TQ to ateh n her family n ayip that came to my house and celebrate afeff's birthday and to my beloved hubby who managed to went home early after his gigs in MALACCA makan jgn x makan
birthday boy afeff aiman
bersungguhnye tiup lilin...
choco-vanilla ice cream cakes
ayip was busy to prepare the meals...

p/s- belum pernah celebrate bday secara besar-besaran...ble agaknye???

to afeff aiman bin mohd noor azhari...

semoga menjadi anak yang soleh dan dapat mencapai cita2 menjadi insan yg cemerlang dunia dan akhirat amin...

1 comment:

Rainani said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Aunty bonda terlupe besday Afeff sbb pakai HP lain..anyway.. smoga jd anak yg Soleh ok..! Rajin tolong mama tau..bkn tlg sepahkan..hehehe..

Insya-allah..dh ada umah sendiri nnt, sure bleh buat besday party mcm mudrikah..:D

take care all of u!!